
AMTS Solutions

RannForex offers its clients aggregated liquidity from leading liquidity providers, collected in the AMTS ECN Aggregator.

Connection is possible by
  • MT5 AMTS Gateway
  • MT4 AMTS Bridge
  • FIX Protocol
  • C++ API

Contact us

For brokers we can offer a floating commission, which depends on the trading turnover. Below is a table with details.

Trading turnover per month (millions of USD) * Commission per 1 million USD (one side)
0 - 100 $10
100 - 500 $8
500 - 1 000 $7
1 000 - 10 000 $6
Over 10 000 $5

* Example. The commission for a turnover of 300 million will be calculated as 100 * 10 + 200 * 8 = 2 600 USD.