
AMTS Solutions

RannForex offers brokers quality aggregated liquidity from leading liquidity providers, collected in the AMTS ECN Aggregator, with no minimum monthly commission.

Connection is possible by
  • MT5 AMTS Gateway (no min. commission)
  • MT4 AMTS Bridge (no min. commission)
  • FIX Protocol ($500 min. commission)
  • C++ API ($500 min. commission)

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On this page you can find the average institutional liquidity spreads. Please note that these are average daily spread values. Spreads are slightly smaller during the day and slightly larger at night.


For brokers we can offer a floating commission, which depends on the trading turnover. Below is a table with details.

Trading turnover per month (millions of USD) * Commission per 1 million USD (one side)
0 - 300 $10
300 - 1 000 $8
1000 - 5 000 $7
5 000 - 10 000 $6
Over 10 000 $5

* If the monthly trading turnover is within a certain range, in the next month the broker pays a commission corresponding to this range, regardless of the current turnover. At the beginning of each new month the commission is set on the basis of the turnover for the previous month.